Zdenka Kalendovsky had been champion of amateur woman’s tennis in Czechoslovakia.

[media-credit name="Courtesy Denver Police Department" align="alignleft" width="155"][/media-credit] Dr. Zdenka Kalendovsky
She also was a brilliant doctor.
Kalendovsky became a world-renown research neurologist.
She was born in Brno, Czechoslovakia, now the Czech Republic, in 1936. Brno is the second largest city in the country.
Kalendovsky studied medicine in her native country.
In 1968, Kalendovsky and her husband to be escaped oppression in the communist country.
She wound up in New York City, where she was accepted at Cornell University Medical Center. While there she did postgraduate work for three years.
While living in New York City she married engineer Jiri Kalendovsky in 1971. The couple had a daughter, Mary.
Kalendovsky later moved to Colorado. The 40-year-old physician was living in Boulder with her husband and 2-year-old daughter.
While living in Boulder she became an assistant clinical professor at the University of Colorado Medical Center and was on the staff at a Denver clinic at 701 E. Colfax Ave.
She was aclaimed for her research in several areas. She was looking at the cause of strokes in young people and the cause of migraine headaches.
A national research group gave the doctor an award for her research on the causes of migraine headaches.