It was late at night when there was a noise at the apartment door of Russell S. Clark and his wife, Valerie.
Because of the hour on Jan. 15, 1983, Russell Clark quickly volunteered to go check the door at 1222 E. 16th Ave. – just in case something went wrong.
Neighbors later told police that they heard an argument next door at around 9 p.m.
There was a loud fight.
Valerie would tell police that a man she didn’t recognize burst into their small apartment and attacked her husband.
It was unclear whether Russell had opened the door or the man had broken into the apartment, according to police records.
Russell Clark fought back.
Valerie dashed around the fighting men and ran to a neighbor’s door to get help.
Police were called.
There was a gunshot.
Valerie ran back to her apartment to see if her husband was shot.
The door was shut. It was locked.
The neighbor followed her to her door. He kicked her door open.
The suspect had bolted.