She had been an opera singer and actress.
Harriet Lawyer-Duvallo, 53, had once acted in Broadway productions in New York City including the 1964 play Funny Girl. She played the role of “Mrs. O’Malley.”
She had sung in Carnegie Hall. Her boyfriend when she lived in New York City was Martin Sheen. She collected travel and fashion magazines.

Hariett Lawyer-Duvallo in 1970 while appearing in “Cabaret”
Denver Post file photograph
She also had an acting role in the 1959 Hollywood film “Anatomy of a Murder” starring Jimmy Stewart.
Raised by a physician who was the mayor of her town, Lawyer-Duvallo earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in music from the University of Indiana. She also studied acting in Berlin.
Lawyer-Duvallo first visited Colorado in 1961 to perform at the Aspen Music Festival.
She moved from New York City to Denver in the summer of 1970, “because you can actually breathe here,” she told Denver Post reporter Glenn Giffin in July of 1970. It might have also had something to do with the fact that a burglar cleaned out her New York City apartment.
She starred as Frau Schneider in a University of Denver theater production of “Cabaret” on Aug. 15, 1970 at Bonfils Theatre.