In the past 11 years, every time Jacquelyn Espinoza sees a dump truck terrible images flood her mind.
- Ricky Espinoza, 37
She sees the compactor crushing the body of her brother, Ricky Espinoza. She sees the truck arriving at the El Paso County dump in Fountain and dropping his remains in the trash.
“Every time I see a garbage truck I feel awful,” Jacquelyn Espinoza said. “I can’t believe they put him in a dumpster. You don’t even do that to dogs. I just have to shut my mind off and look the other way.”
She remembers the emotionally devastating time when she learned of her brother’s murder much too clearly. The events play over and over in her mind, clouding out her brother’s gleaming smile.
Ricky Espinoza was a bright and cheerful person that brought joy to her aging mother, Jacquelyn Espinoza said. Ricky had gone to school to become a cosmetologist. He was also a gourmet cook. He worked as a party planner for Double Tree by Hilton in Colorado Springs.
Ricky, who once worked in a hair salon, would often style his mother hair, dying or trimming it and keeping her looking young, Jacquelyn Espinoza said. He would put make-up on her. He would often call his mother and tell her they were going out to eat. He had found a new restaurant that had opened up and they needed to try the food.
Ricky, 37, was a good dancer as well. He had once won a dance competition. His favorite rock group was the Red Hot Chile Peppers. He excelled at interior decorating and fashion as well, his sister recalled.
“I don’t know why they did that to my son,” said Doris Espinoza, 83, Ricky’s mother.
Though a stroke last year makes it difficult for Doris to remember a lot of things, she hasn’t forgotten the pain of losing her son. That never fades.
On June 23, Ricky had traveled from his home in Denver to Colorado Springs for the wedding of a cousin. When the family went home at midnight, Ricky wanted to go out to nightclubs.
Jacquelyn Espinoza said she got worried about him and went driving around town looking for him. But at 4:30 a.m. he called from a hotel room at J’s Motel. He was in good spirits, joking and laughing with his mother.
“That’s the last time we heard from him,” his sister said.
At first, family members believed Ricky may have decided to return to Denver. But his mother knew better. He would have never gone anywhere without his make-up box.
Days after Ricky disappeared TV news programs broadcast stories about a nude body found of a man at the county dump. The man had a severe head injury. At first the thought never occurred to the family that it could be Ricky. But after a week they started to wonder.
The family went to the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office and reported him missing.
They went to the El Paso County coroner’s office. At first they didn’t think it could be Ricky because the man’s hair was blond. But Ricky had bleached his hair blond. While the family was at the coroner’s office, authorities called in a therapist and medical emergency personnel.
When they announced that it was Ricky, Doris Espinoza started screaming.
“I tried to hold her down and comfort her,” Jacquelyn Espinoza said.
Anyone with information about this case is asked to contact the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office at 719-520-733. Denver Post staff writer Kirk Mitchell can be reached at 303-954-1206. For updates follow him on Twitter @KmitchellDP