Stanley Anita Moore, 22
Forty years ago The Denver Post had a feature similar to Denver Crime Stoppers.
The newspaper offered rewards for information leading to arrests of murder suspects, rapists and escaped convicts.
The program was called “Secret Witness.” As of April of 1972 the newspaper had offered eight rewards for information leading to arrests of tawdry suspects like the so-called “gentleman rapist.”
“This man is believed by police to have raped up to 100 women in the Denver area,” says a story about the reward in The Denver Post about the suspect believed to be between 19 and 30.
“He often threatens his victims with a knife, but has been dubbed a gentleman because he is polite, uses good grammar and expresses concern about the protection of his victims against pregnancy. He is described as white, soft-spoken, dark-haired with thin lips, long, thin fingers with long fingernails.”
On April 9, 1972, The Denver Post ran a Secret Witness story under the headline: Who Killed Mother of Sleeping Baby?
The story, which ran without a byline, appeared as follows:
In one corner of the dining room inside the little brick house were Christmas presents, gaily wrapped and ready to be placed beneath a tree.
Sleeping peacefully in her bedroom crib was a baby girl, named Shan Dale Simpson by her adoring mother.
On the floor of the bedroom of the small house at 2249 Lafayette St. was Shan Dale’s mother. She, too, was quiet. But she wasn’t sleeping.
She was dead.