Joyce Olivero returned to her 15th floor apartment in the Brooks Towers in Downtown Denver in the evening of Aug. 11, 1983 to find her husband lying on the kitchen floor.

[media-credit name="Courtesy of the Denver Police Department " align="alignleft" width="212"][/media-credit] William Olivero, 40
A pool of blood was spreading.
William A. Olivero, 40, was still bleeding from multiple wounds.
Her husband was tied up. He wasn’t breathing.
Joyce had been to her hairdresser for a 4:30 p.m. appointment and returned home just after 5 p.m.
Her husband owned a small jewelry shop with a partner in the Empire Building, according to an article by now retired Denver Post staff writer Jim Kirksey.
Olivero’s partner would tell police that Olivero left his office around 4:30 p.m. that Thursday.
Neighbors of the Oliveros’ apartment at 1020 15th St. told detectives they heard a loud argument minutes later. The argument turned violent. There was a fight.
The witnesses had not seen anyone who seemed suspicious however.
Crime analysts fingerprinted the apartment and took blood samples.
There had been a violent struggle and it was possible that a suspect had left his blood in the apartment.
Police had found overturned furniture and broken glass in the apartment.
Friends told different stories to police.